How to install the extension
- Visit the Ringover VoIP Phone extension for Odoo page on the official Chrome store.
- Click 'Add to Chrome', then 'Add extension'.
- It is recommended to open the menu to manage your extensions, and pin the extension so that it is always accessible from your browser's menu bar.
💡 Note: once the Ringover Chrome extension is installed, you don't need to install the Ringover app for Odoo.
✨ New: Whitelist Odoo Self-Hosted Domains (for advanced users)
If you're using Odoo in a self-hosted environment (such as Odoo SH or your own custom domain like
), the extension may not automatically activate.
You can now manually whitelist your domain to enable Ringover's dialer features on custom-hosted Odoo instances.
Cliquez sur l'icône des Extensions Chrome.
Ouvrez les Options de l'extension "Ringover VoIP Phone for Odoo".
Ouvrez l'onglet "Domaines Odoo".
Ajoutez votre domaine Odoo (par exemple
) et enregistrez.
✅ This step is only necessary if you're using a custom or self-hosted Odoo instance.
🌐 If you're using Odoo cloud with a standard domain (
), you don't need to do this — the extension works out of the box.
There you go, the extension is installed! 🎉
How to use the extension
- The button to open dialer will be visible at the bottom right corner in Odoo
- When clicking on the app button, the Ringover dialer will appear.
The first time, you will be prompted to enable your mic permission and to log in with your Ringover credentials
- To make an outbound call, simply click on the 'Call' button next to any phone number:
- The dialer also supports inbound calls. Contacts will be displayed in the dialer once contact sync is enabled.
You can minimize the dialer by clicking on this button:
You can reposition the dialer horizontally by clicking and dragging this button:
Why am I getting two dialers?
You may have installed the Ringover App from the Odoo marketplace. The Ringover Chrome extension is best used on its own. You don't need to install any other component.
When clicking on a number, why I am redirected to Ringover?
You may have installed the Ringover Click-to-call Chrome extension. The Ringover VoIP Phone extension for Odoo is best used on its own. You don't need to install any other component.
How do I uninstall the extension?
In the Extensions list, search for Ringover VoIP Phone for Odoo and click 'Remove from Chrome'.