You’ll need to be an administrator of a Ringover 👨💼 account or have technical access to the Dashboard to access this feature.
Step 1: Create and set up a user role
💻 Head to the “Users and Groups” section in the “Configuration” menu.
Click on "User roles" and then on "Create a role". Name your role and select "Create a role". 💬
Your user role is created! 👍
You can then set it up, configure the permissions, sounds, Dashboard accesses or groups of this role. ⚙️
⚠️ Any changes to the permissions of your user role will impact the users associated with that role.
On the other hand, any changes to the settings, sounds, Dashboard access rights and group will only impact the users associated with that role after the change. This gives you the flexibility to adjust certain settings to only one user even if that user is part of a role.
Step 2: Associate a user to a role
💻 Head to the “Users and Groups” section in the “Configuration” menu.
Click on "Users" then select the user you wish to associate to a user role. 👨
In the "Role" section, click on "Assign a role". Select the user role to which you wish to assign it.
Your user is now associated with a role! 👍
💡 You will then have the possibility to apply another role to your user, to no longer link him/her to this role or to directly modify the role.
Step 3: Creating a role from a user
💻 Head to the “Users and Groups” section in the “Configuration” menu.
Select the user from whom you wish to create a role and then click on "Create a role from this user".
Name your user role and then click on "Create Role". 💬 Your user role will automatically be added to the list of your user roles and assigned to the user from whom it was created. 👨
You now know how to create and assign a user roles 🎉