What is E.164 Format?
The E.164 format is like the global style guide for phone numbers. Established by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), it ensures everyone speaks the same telephone language, simplifying international calls and reducing the risk of dialing the wrong number.
Tips for Proper Phone System Use:
- Add the international prefix: When dialing a number, remember to include the country's international prefix. For example, when calling France, add "+33" before the number.
- No spaces or special characters: Keep the number simple. Avoid spaces and special characters. Use only numbers and the plus sign (+) to adhere to the E.164 format.
- Check the country code and possibly the region code: Ensure you have the correct country code and, if necessary, the region code. These codes are crucial for the call to reach its intended destination.
- To call France: +33 6 12 34 56 78
- To call the United Kingdom: +44 20 7123 4567
- To call Spain: +34 912 34 56 78
By following these simple tips and using the E.164 format, your calls will be accurate and hassle-free, whether locally or internationally."