If you need to provide certain colleagues who aren’t using Ringover with access to your Dashboard, you can grant them external access 🔓.
This lets you avoid having to create and pay for a new Ringover account for an extra user, since this type of access is free 💸.
You can assign one of two roles to an external user:
- Accounting 💰: If you assign this role, the user will only have access to the “Credits & Billing” section of the dashboard. They’ll then be able to add credits and download invoices.
- Technical ⚙️: If you assign this role, the user will only have access to the “Configuration,” “Developer” and “Integrations” sections. This will allow them to create IVRs and groups or add users and numbers...
Step 1: Create an external user
- Go to your Dashboard> Settings> Users
- Select “External Users,” then click on “Create an external user” 👨
- Enter an email address 📧 and a password for the person you wish to add as an external user
Step 2: Assign a role to your external user
Once the external user 👨 has been added, select the role you wish to assign them (Accounting or Technical).
You have now created external user access! 👌