The Ringover Dashboard is the administrative interface 🖥 for your Ringover account.
From the dashboard you can create numbers, users, IVRs, etc. You can also access detailed statistics 📊 as well as recorded conversations 🎙.
The Dashboard is restricted to Ringover account administrators, but you can also assign roles to users in order to grant them access to certain sections.
💻 Go to and select the user to whom you want to grant rights.
From the “Dashboard Access” section, select the role you want to assign to them. You can also opt to not grant them any rights:
Here are the possible roles:
- Admin 👨: This is the most important role. If you assign this role to a user, they will have full access to the Control Panel with no restrictions. Only the superadministrator can grant this role access to another user. Furthermore, it's important to note that an administrator cannot modify the access of another administrator; it must be done by the superadministrator.
- Supervisor 📈: If you assign this role to a user, this user will only have access to the "Activity", "Logs," "Campaigns" and "Statistics" pages. They will also only have access to data for groups/IVRs authorized by the administrator.
- Accountant 💰: If you assign this role to a user, this user will only have access to the "Credits and billing" page to add credits and download invoices.
- Technical 🔧: If you assign this role to a user, they will only have access to the "Configuration," "Developer," and "Integrations" pages, allowing them to create IVRs, users, groups, and numbers.
You can now assign Dashboard access rights to your users. 🎉