Cadence Steps
In Cadence, you can have multiple types of steps: Mail, Reply to, SMS, Call, LinkedIn, WhatsApp, Custom task, Data Check, and End Cadence. Here, you can learn more about them in detail:
1. Mail: This is the first step of Cadence that is available, and with this step of Cadence, you can send an email. There are two distinct nodes in this step:
Semi-automated mail: Semi-Automatic Mail tasks appear on the task page and these tasks need to be performed manually from the Task page.
By default, a mail task is added as a semi-automatic task. - Automated mail: This kind of task is entirely automatic. The mail is sent without any manual assistance, which means it is sent automatically as soon as the lead reaches to this step. We can make a mail task automatic by a toggle.
2. Reply to: (*Prerequisite: Make sure you have a Mail step added before the Reply to step.)
This step is to reply to a mail task sent previously. If you want to reply to a Mail, you can make use of this feature. This feature also has two nodes attached
- Semi-Automated: These types of Reply to tasks appear on the task page and these tasks need to be performed manually from the Task page.
- Automated: This kind of task is completed entirely automatically. When it reaches the Automated Reply To step, the reply is sent automatically without manual assistance.
3. SMS: You can make use of this step when you want to send an SMS to a lead. This step also has two nodes:
Semi-Automated: Semi-automated SMS tasks appear on the task page and they need to be performed manually.
Automated: This kind of task is completed entirely automatically. When it reaches the Automated SMS step, the SMS is sent automatically without any manual assistance.
4. Call: You can add this step when you want to place a call to your lead. You can make the Script of the call step by writing down the script message or importing a script template.
5. LinkedIn: This step is for performing LinkedIn-related tasks. This step has 4 nodes:
- LinkedIn profile view: This step opens the LinkedIn profile of a particular lead. After clicking on the LinkedIn profile view button it redirects the user to that particular LinkedIn profile in a different tab.
LinkedIn connection request: This node will have its own button on the task page. When this task appears, select the send request button to send a LinkedIn connection request. The connection request will be sent if you have updated your cookies in your profile settings; otherwise, it will prompt you to visit lead's LinkedIn profile and do that manually.
(*You can click this link to know how to update your LinkedIn cookie from profile settings: Click here.) - LinkedIn messages: You can send a LinkedIn message on the lead’s LinkedIn, if the connection request was accepted, whatever message was written in the body during task creation, will be sent.
- LinkedIn interaction with the post: This is merely a word to indicate the function it must do. The first step is to just engage with the post since it is exactly the same as the LinkedIn profile page. In order to interact, it would direct us to the specific lead's LinkedIn page and we can interact with the lead’s linkedin post accordingly.
6. WhatsApp: You can add this step when you want to send a WhatsApp message to any lead’s phone number. In the given message body, you can write down your message or simply import an already-created WhatsApp template to save time.
7. Custom Task: This step can be added when you want to perform any custom-made task. You can give instructions in the message body about the actions needed for this task.
8. Data check: This particular step is to check the available data related to any lead. While performing this task on the task page, it opens the lead detail modal and displays us a message which we wrote while creating this step. We can check the data as per instructions written on the data check message and enrich if something is missing for that lead.
9. End Cadence: This particular cadence is to terminate the actions of the steps and to give the whole process an end after performing all the required steps. You can add the consequences of what would happen to cadence after it ends all the actions. There are three basic options:
- Change status for lead/account: In this field whatever status you update from the dropdown menu, that status would get updated not only in the Salesforce lead or account page but also in the Cadence. The status of those leads who reach this step would be changed to that particular selected status.
- Move contacts/leads to another cadence: In this field, you can move the contacts or leads to another cadence if you want. We may select a cadence where we want our lead or contact to be shifted after our lead reaches the End Cadence step. You can also select the cadence from Personal, Group, and Company where we want it to be moved.
- Change Ownership: This particular node gives access to change the ownership of the leads/contact. You can select the new ownership from the dropdown. When that particular contact/lead reaches the end cadence, its ownership will be transferred to the newly selected member.